Sunday, December 19, 2010

Make up : Bronzing Powder

Bronzing Powder
Bronzing powder is a multi-purpose item since it not only gives you that tan look but can also boost your mood!
Feeling the winter blahs already?  You glance in the mirror and there’s a pale little face looking back at you.  Gone is the summer glow, and the lilt in your step that goes with it.
What else is missing?  That’s easy.  This is the ideal time for your Bronzing Powder to go to work.
Whether you prefer a lightly frosted, tinted powder to give your skin sheer, natural color effects, or a powder that creates the sensual glow of a sun-kissed complexion . . . it’s all there in the bronzing powder of your choice!
You might enjoy having several different bronzing powders to choose from . . . one to match your mood; one for special occasions, or one that creates an all-over warmth just to chase the blues!
When you’re making your selection of bronzing powders, remember to look at your complexion with a discerning eye.

Are you fair skinned?  Does your skin have a slightly “olive” tint?  Maybe you have a hint of permanent blush to work with. Is your skin very dry, or somewhat oily?
It’s important to know that different types of skin react to different colors, as well as to the formula on which your bronzing powder is based.  Does an oil-free formula, or a mineral based formula work best for you?
For another important test of the bronzing powder you choose, simply put it on and view it outside in the sunlight.
Are you delighted with how it looks?  Now, test it at night.

Night time is a real good test for your bronzing since night time is when a lot of people date or meet that special someone.
So, looking your best is very important at times like those. But, feeling your best is even more important. Knowing you look great helps boost that self-esteem that gives you the “attractive” quality.

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